The idea of ‘climate philanthropy’ is a relatively new one. And despite all the attention climate change gets these...
The Technology Affinity Group (TAG): Promoting IT in Philanthropy
The Technology Affinity Group (TAG). Even if you're not a member, if you work in philanthropy you probably know...
Out of the Weeds: AfricaRice’s Mobile App for Farmers
Rice farmers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) need timely and reliable advice to...
Carnegie Corporation Celebrates America’s Newest Citizens
Earlier this month, President George W. Bush and Laura Bush celebrated 49 of America’s newest citizens at an official...
The Gates Foundation and ILRI: Partnering Up for Food Safety Research
It’s always rewarding when I read about the important work of our customers. It certainly makes what we do here at...
The Ford Foundation: Leading the Way in Public Interest Technology
The Ford Foundation is working with a community of partners to develop a path for people to use their technology...
CABI: Hi-tech help for farming challenges
The Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI) may have found a solution to a major cause of world...
The State of Philanthropy Tech 2018. Survey Says…
The Technology Affinity Group (TAG) conducted a survey earlier this year to give us all a better understanding of the...