Super Time-Saving Tips! Opening Files in Teams (video) 

Opening files in Teams

Written by Tim Haight

I'm VP of Technology Services for CGNET. I love to travel and do IT strategic planning.

August 18, 2020

Back in January, my colleague wrote a post on opening files in Teams.  This spring, Microsoft rolled out new ways to do this that are FAR more efficient than before. Habits die hard, however, so if you haven’t started using them, you’re wasting a lot of time. This video shows you the old and new ways, and how much time you can save by changing those old habits.    It’s definitely worth a watch!

Written by Tim Haight

I'm VP of Technology Services for CGNET. I love to travel and do IT strategic planning.

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  1. Andrew Wiltshire

    Do you happen to have a transcript for this video? I am really enjoying CGNET content and would love to know what you have covered in the video as there are no closed captions.

    • Dan Callahan


      Thanks for reminding us to account for those that can’t hear the video. Let me work on that and see what we can come up with.


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