IT Strategic Assessment
An overall technology strategic assessment examines the past and current performance of an organization’s IT in terms of existing technology, people and policies. After comparing this with the organization’s aspirations, we can then recommend technologies, processes and policies to close the gap between promise and performance.
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What is involved?
- Information gathering: First, CGNET works with your organization in close cooperation to determine what work is needed. We collect information about the existing system and policies via documentation and staff interviews.
- Security testing is usually conducted at about the same time, we usually begin security testing, which usually involves vulnerability scanning and network monitoring for advanced persistent threats. CGNET will discuss the results with your organization and make recommendations for remediation.
- A needs assessment is then conducted based on the information collected above and interviews with the appropriate executives and end users.
- A preliminary analysis of the gap between current practices and expressed needs is presented.
- A final report is presented after discussing this analysis with your organization and making any necessary changes.
What do I get?
- A final report that includes an executive summary, narrative on the activities conducted, the needs assessment, recommendations, and a three-year implementation roadmap.
- A presentation to executive management on the assessment findings and recommendations.
- Materials that can be used for presentation to your organization’s Board of Directors (CGNET can conduct this presentation if desired).
What are the benefits?
A strategic assessment enables IT to act strategically. In particular, this means getting beyond IT agendas that are set by annual budget discussions. The IT strategy can lead budget discussions, rather than the other way around.
By considering your organization’s overall business needs and goals, the needs of departments and those of end users, the plan gets everyone on the same page. This participation pays dividends in terms of buy-in and later adoption and justifies expenditures, as well as improving communication between IT and the rest of your organization.