Let's talk about extensions, the apps for your browser that enhance your experience. There are shopping...
Put Microsoft Entra on Your Radar
Today I want to talk about Microsoft Entra. What is it? What problem does it solve? Will it make your life easier or...
Work With Your Secure Score and Improve Your Security
Microsoft Secure Score. “That again?” you say. Yes, that. We have written about Secure Score before. I recently worked...
Frequent Cybersecurity Training a Must!
According to a new report from cybersecurity company Fortinet, nearly 60% of organizational leadership thinks that...
Check Out These Valuable Extensions to Data Loss Prevention
Microsoft has been busy lately on the data loss prevention front. The bad news: they are forming new information...
Top Phishing Subject Lines So Far in 2023
Every quarter, our partners at KnowBe4 report on the most-clicked phishing email subject lines. They look at what they...
Remember to Check Your Email Security
Sometimes we marvel at the amazing discoveries from the James Webb Space Telescope. Other times, we turn a pair of...
Is Your SaaS Provider Serious About Security?
My, how times change. It seems like only yesterday I was testing to see if my COVID was going away. Wait, that was...
Get Ready for Microsoft Security Copilot
It is raining again here in Northern California (but we are not complaining!). And in the technology world, it...
Is ChatGPT a Threat to Your Organization’s Data Security?
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few months (and if so, welcome back!), you’ve likely heard about...
Remote Workers and Cybersecurity: Some Important Reminders
Both hybrid and remote work have become extremely common - if not the norm - now that the world has entered a...
How to Be Smart About Buying Cybersecurity Services
Say it with me: There is no single SKU for security services. (SKU=Stock-Keeping Unit) What does this mean? That there...
Steps to Surviving a Ransomware Attack
You’ve just been hit with a ransomware attack. Now what? Obviously, the easiest thing to do (for some) seems to be to...
Is Compliance the Next Cybersecurity Frontier?
I remember shopping for posters to decorate my college dormitory room. One poster proclaimed, “The job is not finished...
What Are You Doing to Manage Your MSP?
MSPs. Managed Service Providers. You have one, right? So, what are you doing to manage your MSP? “But wait!” I can...
Separate Your Regular and Administrative Accounts
I had a call today to answer questions about a security audit we recently finished. The customer had several questions...
You Can Help a Smaller Organization Be CyberSmart
I have been on a mission for a while now, looking for ways to push cybersecurity knowledge out to smaller...
What You Should Do About the LastPass Breach
Welcome to 2023! What with the holidays (you do remember them, right?) and the end-of-year distractions (hello, bomb...