Microsoft 365 Checkup: Save Money and Increase Productivity

Microsoft 365 checkup

Written by Georg Lindsey

I am the co-founder and CEO of CGNET. Outside the office, I enjoy visiting our beautiful Northern California coastline, listening to British mystery audiobooks, cooking, gardening, and playing with my dogs.

February 8, 2024

Every year, we conduct dozens of security checkups, including Vulnerability Testing, Azure Site Recovery, AD Checkups, and Risk Management. Beyond those, our Microsoft 365 Checkup stands out for being reasonably priced and delivering actionable results with immediate benefits. Customers tell us they really like the checkup’s “value for money,” i.e., cost effectiveness. Our deep dive into the Microsoft 365 environment tends to uncover opportunities to improve productivity, security, and compliance for organizations. Here’s what a Microsoft 365 Checkup from our team involves.


We explore your environment to identify potential security weaknesses and offer targeted recommendations for strengthening your defenses. This encompasses a thorough review of your security configurations, vulnerability identification, and strategic advice to enhance your overall security posture.


With a Microsoft 365 Checkup, our experts ensure that your organization adheres to crucial data protection and retention regulations by scrutinizing your compliance frameworks, pinpointing any discrepancies, and guiding you on how to effectively bridge these gaps.


We assist you in maximizing the efficiency of Microsoft 365 tools such as Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive. Our goal is to optimize your usage of these tools to enhance organizational productivity, providing insights and recommendations tailored to your needs.

Cost Optimization

By evaluating your licensing agreements and identifying underutilized licenses, we uncover avenues for cost reduction, helping you to optimize your subscription expenses and achieve greater financial efficiency.

Get in Touch!

Are you ready to unlock the potential of your Microsoft 365 suite? Contact Georg Lindsey for a customized Microsoft 365 Checkup. You can reach me at, or for a more direct conversation, call my office at (650) 833-6020.

Written by Georg Lindsey

I am the co-founder and CEO of CGNET. Outside the office, I enjoy visiting our beautiful Northern California coastline, listening to British mystery audiobooks, cooking, gardening, and playing with my dogs.

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